Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What we've been doing, part III

Alright, the same holiday weekend we went to the hills of Buda for an excursion (notice a difference in weather from the previous post). It was cold and increadibly windy so we didn't stay long. We had never been to these hills so that was good and the views were great. Pics: Lily walking on the path, Szilvi and Denise on the path, and the group eating on the rocks trying to stay out of the wind, and Bryan standing at the top of the hill we were on. He said it looked like where they filmed part of LOTR (for those of you not in the know, that is Lord of the Rings) so that made it especially cool for him. By the way, he is just about to finish the first book which he is reading by himself. We're not proud or anything.

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