Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What we've been doing, part II

March 15 is a national holiday (commemorating the revolution against the Hapsburgs). Like July 4, it is a time for families and friends to get together and celebrate. We went to our friends' house on Szentendre island and had a cook out and just had fun. It was surprisingly warm for March, but then again, we have had little of no winter. The pictures are of Gabor and Szilvi in their car as we all ride the ferry over to the island (the kids loved it). The next one is Szilard cooking the food (delicious stuff), then Trey, Gabor and Csati, followed by all the boys eating in the middle of the road. Lily playing in the dirt, Alexander and Tivi carrying wood (they had built a barricade in the road) and then the group walking down to the Danube, in the mud. We had a lot of fun and we spoke Hungarian the whole time (8 hours) which wore us out.

1 comment:

wtdoyle said...

is that a rangers hat? very nice, maybe hungarians don't know that they are really. really bad...