Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What we've been doing, the final chapter

Denise has been meeting with an old student of mine, Anita, for a while now. Well, Anita has a boyfriend now and so here he is. Get this, he plays football, not soccer, but "real" football. There is a league in Hungary and the different cities field teams. Budapest is the Wolves. It hasn't really caught on here but it seems the guys who play really love it.

What we've been doing, part IV

Well, we took another trip to the Danube on our bikes. It is becoming a habit for us. We are also riding a little farther each time. Alexander is basically our mileage keeper, i.e. when he gets tired we start heading back. We hope by the end of the summer that we will be taking really long bike rides as a family. We have a lot of fun. The pics are from a roadside playground where we like to stop. We need to get some pictures of us on our bikes.

What we've been doing, part III

Alright, the same holiday weekend we went to the hills of Buda for an excursion (notice a difference in weather from the previous post). It was cold and increadibly windy so we didn't stay long. We had never been to these hills so that was good and the views were great. Pics: Lily walking on the path, Szilvi and Denise on the path, and the group eating on the rocks trying to stay out of the wind, and Bryan standing at the top of the hill we were on. He said it looked like where they filmed part of LOTR (for those of you not in the know, that is Lord of the Rings) so that made it especially cool for him. By the way, he is just about to finish the first book which he is reading by himself. We're not proud or anything.

What we've been doing, part II

March 15 is a national holiday (commemorating the revolution against the Hapsburgs). Like July 4, it is a time for families and friends to get together and celebrate. We went to our friends' house on Szentendre island and had a cook out and just had fun. It was surprisingly warm for March, but then again, we have had little of no winter. The pictures are of Gabor and Szilvi in their car as we all ride the ferry over to the island (the kids loved it). The next one is Szilard cooking the food (delicious stuff), then Trey, Gabor and Csati, followed by all the boys eating in the middle of the road. Lily playing in the dirt, Alexander and Tivi carrying wood (they had built a barricade in the road) and then the group walking down to the Danube, in the mud. We had a lot of fun and we spoke Hungarian the whole time (8 hours) which wore us out.

What we've been doing

Well, as promised, here is an update on what we did for the month of March. When we got back from Prague there was a team from North Greenville University here doing an English camp with us. About 40 people came and from that two English Bible groups were formed. It was a real blessing for all involved. Here are two pics. One is of Alexander and Daniel, a student from NGU. The other is of some of the Hungarian students at the poetry reading (in English) held on the last day.