Friday, February 23, 2007

We are in Prague, pt. 3 Denise's birthday

The James - es (how do you spell that?)who are in the previous post kept the kids for us so Trey and I went out for dinner for my birthday. We took a walk along the river. The city is so beautiful and we have enjoyed our time here learning and making new friends.

We are in Prague, pt. 2

Hello everyone! These are our friends the Jameses (from FBC Dallas). They invited us over for dinner. We had a great time and the boys (and Lily) had fun becoming fast friends.

Monday, February 19, 2007

We are in Prague - pt. 1

We had a lovely train ride from Budapest and thankfully Alexander did not break his arm at the trainstation. Here is a picture of a nice German lady, Elvira, that was fortunate enough to share a berth with an American family of five. Anyway, we are here and having a good time and learning a lot.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Busy Day

Hi everyone! Today was a busy but fun day. This morning Trey preached at Rákoscsabai Baptista Gyülekezet. I forgot (so sorry!!!) to take a picture of the wonderful family that took us to eat lunch afterwards. I will have to add a pic of them another time but we had so much fun with them. I am including a picture of the church. We have had a relationship with this church for over a year now and really enjoy visiting them. The church is about an hour from us so we don't get to go really often but always enjoy seeing them. They are interested in working with us here. After a long yummie Hungarian lunch we headed home for about one hour and then to our church tonight. Trey got to preach tonight also and it was great! Our friends Gábor and Szilvi came with us. Here are some pics from today. From top to bottom: Dávid, Szilárd, Lily and Dia (Gábor and Szilvi's daughter), and the Baptist Church.

Now we're talkin'!

Hello again! We forgot to take our camera and take a pic of Anikó who tests our language abilities, but we just wanted to let you know the good news that we both did well and only have to be tested every four months now!!!!!! Here are Ron and Robin...they have 3 children Robert, Renald, and Rebekah and have lived in Hungary for about 12 years now....Robin takes care of all language for us here in Hungary, like arranging tests for us, encouraging us, etc. She and Ron (who is the SC for Western Hungary) are also our mentors.

Erzsi and Ferenc

Hello everyone! We had a fun time at Erzsi and Ferenc's house for our Thurs. night English/Bible group. Here is a pic. of some of us.